Single Player $49
Starts Jan 8, 2024
Team up with your friends and get your fit on together to crush goals AND opponents! (Need 2 on a team to play. Max of 8 players per team.)
Time & Location
Starts Jan 8, 2024
About the Game
This ticket is good for one single player.
Here's how the game works:
- Form a team of 2-8 players
- Name your team
- Get your attitude on
- Kick butt and take names!
Players set personalized goals for themselves in 5 categories - exercise, nutrition, water, habit hacker, and trash talk - and earn points for practicing their daily habits! Then, you compete as a team, and the team with the most points after 10 weeks wins!
Earning points for sticking to your goals is super rewarding, and you'll enjoy fun banter in the Facebook group! You're also going to learn a lot about yourself and what motivates you, and experience some significant mindset shifts too.
And the end result? More energy, weight loss, inch loss, improved health markers, and more!
You don't have to live near your teammates. The game is online so teammates can be anyone, anywhere!
NEW! Want to earn a commission whenever a friend buys a ticket? Invite everyone you know using this link and you'll earn $9 for each person who signs up to play! Even if they don't join your team. Whoa... talk about competition!
Single Player Registration
Remember, you must have at least (1) teammate. On that note, want to earn a commission whenever a friend buys a ticket? Sign up as a Get Fit Done affiliate and you'll earn $9 for each person who signs up to play! Even if they don't join your team. Whoa... talk about competition! To learn how to get fit AND get paid, visit
$49.00+$1.23 ticket service fee